The most recent IPO filings reveal a slightly less dismal picture of female representation among directors...
"Is this really the way you want to end up in jail for the rest of your life, by texting and violating a court order?" So asked an angry Judge Burke of Weinstei...
Hi! We hope you read our list of terrific 2019 happenings vis a vis workplace gender equality because gu...
To be filed under #WillWeNeverLearn? and also #ThisIsTotalGarbage🗑: The first batch of the new decade...
Dec. 31, 2019 marked the last day that it was legal for any public company headquartered in California to have an all-male board of directors. Firms that don...
On the first day of Christmas my new boss gave to me A paid parental leave policy On the second day of Chr...
🎶On the first day of Christmas my new boss gave to me a paid parental leave policy🎄...🎶🎶On the second day of Christmas my new boss gave to me two la...
Intel publicly released details on pay, race and gender data for its more than 50,000 U.S. employees last ...
It is 1959, and 26-year-old Ruth Bader Ginsburg is having trouble getting a job. She’s already attended Harvard Law School, where she was one of only nine women seated among more than 500 men. But then her husband, Mar...
Is anyone else watching "The Morning Show"? It has gotten much better as it's progressed and whoa, the mos...